Abstract: The aim of this study is to propose a scoring system to determine the activity of the eyes, and to evaluate our medications in the treatment of ocular inflammation and vasculitis in Behect's disease (BD). Eleven activity and 5 chronicity (constant) parameters are scored from zero to 4 to consider the condition of each eye in Oculo-Behcet's disease. Both parameters are considered in our therapeutic scoring. The activity variables are: Episcleritis and/or scleritis, anterior uveitis,, hyalitis, intermediate uveitis, central periphlebitis and/or thrombosis, central periarteritis, peripheral vasculitis, retinitis, neovascularization, macular edema and optic neuritis. The chronicity parameters are: Central arterial necrosis (or one of the main branches), central retinal vein necrosis, peripheral vascular necrosis, macular scar and optic atrophy. Complications that are surgically repairable (such as cataract, glaucoma, retinal detachment) are not considered in our scoring. The activity/chronicity ratio determines the state of the eyes. Both variables and constants are considered in our therapeutic scoring, although the constants can replace the variables (for example macular scar replaces macular edema, arterial necrosis replaces periarteritis, etc.). If our scoring remains unchanged or worsens in two consecutive visits (in a three month interval), our treatment is ineffective and should be changed.